

For the small business, a good solid resource for employment and management advice is valuable. We understand that, which is why we at StaffEx work hard to make sure that your business can visit our site to get the information you need. We want to be your staffing partner, not just an agency. Let’s take… Read more »


The beep beep beep of your alarm probably makes you want to hit that snooze button at least once. You stretch, you yawn, you turn over again and pretend it isn’t happening. When you do finally shuffle out of bed you may spend more time nursing your coffee than getting ready. So what can you… Read more »


Sure, you can do all of your hiring yourself. But…why take time away from other critical business processes when you can tap into the expertise of a staffing agency. You may not have thought of it before, but working with highly trained hiring professionals can help you succeed and hire the top talent in your… Read more »


As a job seeker you owe it to yourself to use all the possible tools that are available. You have a resume, you’ve written cover letters, and you send thank you notes along the way. But, what if there are aspects that you’re missing? Could Twitter be the extra push you need to get you… Read more »


Thanksgiving is a traditional time to say “Thank you” to your friends, family, and everyone around you. But, you shouldn’t relegate gratitude to only one day out of the year. As a manager, it is essential that you demonstrate your thanks to your employees all year round. When you are thankful for your employees they… Read more »


Where you work is as important as how you work. That is never more obvious than when you observe an employee who is woefully unorganized. But everyone can benefit from some alterations to the way they currently set up their office or desk and the way in which they interact with their environment. To improve… Read more »


Do you watch the clock? Do you procrastinate? Employees, and managers, are really good at finding ways to feel busy but are actually major productivity killers. Before you waste another second of valuable time in your work and your life, have a look at these 6 productivity killers that you need to ban from your… Read more »


Your employees spend more time in the day at your office than they do in their own homes. At home, they decorate a space with colors, décor and photos that make them feel good and reflect their personality. But they only see it for a few hours at night. You want to give your employees… Read more »


When a top employee wants to leave, you can find yourself in devastating position as a business owner. Some of your employees will have skills that you can’t replace. You will lose revenue and time while you search for someone else to fill those shoes. And, when one person leaves it can set off a… Read more »


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is dedicated to keeping employees safe in the workplace. One of the most important aspects depending on the environment is eye and face protection. The risk of injury to the face or eyes can be catastrophic. Eyes are delicate and the potential to lose vision or cause damage is… Read more »