Aligning Employees With Overall Company Goals

If you aim to ensure your company is successful and one of the best in its sector, it’s critical that your employees “get” and embrace your business’ overall goals. Aligning your employees with your company’s goals has many benefits. Workers who understand their company’s goals, for example, and how the work they do for the […]

How Much Can Employers Dictate Employees’ Appearance?

At home, dressing as you like is not a problem. On the job, your appearance comes under the scrutiny of those who sign your pay check and therefore may have something to say about how you present yourself. In addition, your appearance is not limited to just clothing. The list also includes items such as […]

Furnishing Your Office Cubicle for Maximum Performance

The cubicle.  It has taken over the workplace.  It’s where many employees spend the bulk of their workdays. But cubicles are not known for their pleasant, attractive environments.  They are dull and drab and not much to look at. So, if you’ve just moved into one, how can you liven things up a little? The […]

How Good New-Hire Orientation Contributes to a Great Bottom Line

Does your company have a solid orientation process for new hires? If not, you seriously should consider implementing one — several studies have shown that those companies who do take the time to “onboard” new employees via a formal process perform better financially than those companies that do not. A study that looked at 50 […]

Balancing Work and Home Life

When the economy gets rough, and profits begin to decline, one place businesses look to make cuts is in the area of employee assistance programs, according to business experts. Most businesses provide such programs on the assumption that it is good for the bottom line – support for employees in their personal lives is designed […]

Common Workplace Annoyances

The writer Jean-Paul Sartre once said “hell is other people,” which, unfortunately, can be all too true at the workplace! A recent survey by a research firm found that out of 1,000 employees, 43 percent named co-workers’ poor time management skills as the most annoying of traits, while 36 percent reported they disliked office gossipers. […]