Using Vendor Management Systems to Save Your Firm Money
As companies take on more contingent labor, some are now beginning to use more information technology to keep track of spending and manage their contingent workforce. This software is called a vendor management system. A recent survey showed that more than 60 percent of companies are using a vendor management system, up from 30 percent […]
The Different Kinds of Leadership Styles
When we think of leaders, we think of people who take charge, who speak up, people who can take control of a situation. But some recent research indicates that this model may not necessarily be true. Sometimes, people who are more reserved are better leaders than those who are more outgoing. The most important element […]
How the Bad-Tempered Make the Workplace Disagreeable
One person with an abrasive personality can change the atmosphere in an entire office, according to a recent study by University of Washington researchers. When the offending person is in the office, it can feel like a cold and unfriendly place, but when the person leaves, the place becomes a much more pleasant and welcoming […]
How Good New-Hire Orientation Contributes to a Great Bottom Line
Does your company have a solid orientation process for new hires? If not, you seriously should consider implementing one — several studies have shown that those companies who do take the time to “onboard” new employees via a formal process perform better financially than those companies that do not. A study that looked at 50 […]
Is it Time to Start Recruiting?
As the economic crunch begins to ease a little, businesses now are examining their recruiting strategies, assessing how much emphasis they need to put on recruiting, as opposed to focusing on promotion from within. Unemployment is holding steady at around 9 percent, as business has been reluctant to hire because of a lack of demand. […]
Five Key Steps to an Effective Hiring Process
With the challenges present in today’s employment market, it’s a great time for companies to find quality employees. But even with a considerable talent pool to choose from, how do you figure out who among them is the absolute best fit for your business? Having a simple, repeatable system in place for your hiring practices […]