Job Interview Myths
There is a lot of advice out there about the do’s and don’ts of job interviews, including what to say and what not to say, how to dress, even how to shake hands (firmly, looking the person in the eye) But along with the good advice, a good deal of misinformation gets circulated as well, […]
Great Questions to Ask at Your Job Interview
The job interview is where you want to shine; it is, after all, the deciding factor in whether or not you get the job. You’ll want to be sure you show the hiring manager that a) you have the skills and background for the job and b) that you’ll fit in with your colleagues and […]
The Keys to a Well-Crafted Resume
We’re going to be blunt here: if you’re sending out the same resume and cover letter to every job to which you apply you are wasting your time. To help you stand out in a very-crowded applicant field, it’s imperative that you craft a different cover letter for each and every job you’re after. That’s […]
How to Turn a Temporary Assignment into a Full-Time Job
A temporary job can be a terrific means to a full-time, “regular” position. Here are some tips on how to do so: There are different types of temporary assignments, those that are “just” temporary and which are expected to end after a set amount of time, and “temp-to-hire” positions, for which the employer has said […]
Got Interview? Don’t Make These Mistakes!
Do you have a job interview soon? If yes, congratulations! Landing an interview is a major step to securing a new job. Of course, getting an offer isn’t a done deal; you need to do well on the interview. Here are some job interview mistakes most everyone has made at one time or another. Make […]