Start Attracting Better, Smarter, Faster Candidates with THESE Tips

The Holy Grail of hiring is to bring in an employee so competent and skilled that they can be trusted to run the company in your absence. Someone with all the skills that your company needs and a personality that matches your current staff sounds so impossible. Many hiring managers aren’t sure where to find […]

How to Evaluate if Candidates are Telling the Truth During an Interview

As an interviewer it is your role to determine if the candidate is a good fit not only for the job but also for your company. A concern that we often don’t think about is whether or not the potential employee is being honest. Of course, everyone exaggerates their experience to one degree or another, […]

3 Questions to Learn Everything about the Candidate

Every hiring manager needs to have effective interviewing techniques in their back pockets before speaking with candidates. The way you ask the important questions is crucial to determining if the candidate is a right fit for your job. How do you really get to know a potential employee before their first days or weeks at […]

Job Descriptions that Land You Candidates

A well written job description is as important to the hiring process as anything the candidate can present when they are in your office. Candidates who understand exactly what you are looking for are able to prepare well for an interview. They are also able to share their own excitement for a job they really […]