Can You Be Productive Even When You Don’t Want to Get out of Bed in the Morning?
The alarm goes off with a shrill beeping. It is all you can do to force your muscles to reach over and slap the snooze button. You close your eyes for another glorious 9 minutes before the beeping starts over again. You may do this several times before sluggishly shuffling out from under the warm […]
New Heat Safety Mobile Application from OSHA
One of the most concerning workplace issues, especially in Florida during the summer, is working outdoors or in a non-climate controlled environment during the hottest part of the day. OSHA wants to ensure that all employees are safe and to that end they have created an app that can be used on both Apple and […]
4 Ways to Prepare Your Staff for Temp Workers
When you’re bringing on temp employees it is important to be open and honest with your current staff. Temporary workers are often taken for granted as managers and other employees believe they can start with little training. However, it is important that a temporary employee feel comfortable on the assignment. It is equally as important […]