Creating a Vision for Your Company or Department

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If you’ve ever worked to create a vision statement for your company or your department, we don’t have to tell you have difficult it can be.

Still, creating a vision for your company’s/department’s future can go a long way to actually seeing that vision come to fruition.

Here are a few tips to help guide you as you put together a vision statement for your organization:

Describe the best possible future for your company. Think five or 10 years down the road. Think big, but think realistically. If your company is just starting out and generating just $100,000 in sales this year, $5 million in sales in five years may be too much of a stretch. But $1 million? More than likely doable.

Achievable goals are necessary because if they’re unreachable you’ll create frustration for everyone responsible for achieving those goals. Low morale inevitably will be the result.

Write your vision statement in the present tense, as if your company already has achieved the goals you set for it. Write very descriptive statements about your goals. Describe what your company feels like, looks like. Use all of the senses (sight, taste, touch, hearing, etc.)

Ask yourself these questions:

  • At what does your business now excel?
  • How does your company now compare to your competitors?
  • How effective is your company now?

Ask your employees for their input. How do they see your company’s future?

Once you’ve crafted a vision statement, write a one-sentence summary to describe your vision for your company. This should be a single and powerful phrase.

Place this one phrase throughout your company/department. Make sure it’s visible to everyone. You’ll want to keep your more detailed statement available easily accessible, as well.

Don’t just let your vision statement be, however. Goals and challenges can change. It may be wise to revisit and revise your vision at least every five years.

Is part of your vision staffing your company with exceptional workers with the right skills and attitude to help your company reach your vision? Contact StaffEx today: we can help your Tampa Bay-area company craft a strategic staffing plan that will help your business meet and exceed your goals.

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