How Good New-Hire Orientation Contributes to a Great Bottom Line

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Does your company have a solid orientation process for new hires? If not, you seriously should consider implementing one — several studies have shown that those companies who do take the time to “onboard” new employees via a formal process perform better financially than those companies that do not.

A study that looked at 50 large businesses in the U.S. found that those companies that had established orientation procedures had higher employee morale. What’s more, these companies did better financially than those firms that had no procedures for new-hire orientation. The research found that 65 percent of the businesses that had engaged and motivated workers had spent some time formally helping these workers when they first started  with the company become acclimated and ready for their new jobs.

Other studies also have shown the strong relationship between a firm’s financial situation and the morale of its employees. In fact, one large company that had improved worker morale significantly had an increase in $95 million in earnings!

In addition, more than half of the firms that had outstanding financials had actually told their employees how their work affected the firm’s bottom line. Employees understood how their efforts contributed to the firm’s success and therefore felt they had a personal stake in it. In comparison, about 75 percent of those firms that didn’t tell their employees why their work mattered had poor financial results.

Searching for ideas on how to better — or start — your employee orientation program for your Tampa-area firm? Give StaffEx a call. We can discuss strategies we’ve learned from our more than 50 years’ combined staffing experience helping area firms achieve great success. We look forward to hearing from you!

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