Earth Day 2011 – Celebrate Earth Day Everyday
None of us are born environmentalists. But as we grow we realize how important the environment is to everyone. We come to understand the importance these global issues have on our sustainable living. We all love our planet and want to leave it a better place for our children. One of the easiest ways to celebrate this Earth Day 2011 this year is to start by recycling year round and showing children by our examples.
Why celebrate recycling? Because it is one of the few things we can do that contributes measurably to our planets health on a daily basis. It is a habit that we can all do to contribute to the bigger picture. It has intrinsic value and it is also a symbolic act. People feel good when they recycle, particularly at events. And that goodness is contagious. Our job is to make recycling available everywhere so people can make a difference, day in and day out.
There is a lot of room for improvement. What is the state of recycling in the country? The facts are that public space recycling is only available at 12% of locations in the United States. There is a lot of room for improvement at larger events and venues where crowds are big. If you’re an organizer be sure to use clear Recycling Containers instead of opaque ones. They are proven to gather over 50% more material than non-clear ones do.
The United States is one of the largest producers of trash, yet we only recycle about 31% of our waste. Recycling is a habit that we can all develop to a make positive impact on our environment every day. When you recycle, every day can be like Earth Day 2011.
Here are some goals for EARTH DAY 2011 with recycling:
- Create more Jobs
- Visibly Cleaner Events
- Respect for the Land
- Conservation of Non-renewable Resources
- Education: It takes a village to raise a generation
- Curbside Diversion from Landfills
- Leadership and Mentoring Opportunities
- Environmental Stewardship
- Buy Recycled or post consumer or recycled content
- Purchase Recycled Products
- Pledge to A Billion Acts of Green
Not all rewards are economic. It is important that recycling “closes the loop”. However, the most important benefits of recycling are not quantifiable. Millions of people are passionate about recycling because they recognize it as the voice of the future.
Recycling is our legacy.
The real cost of not recycling today is a waste of spirit, material, and the value of the next generation. When you take a look at the rest of the world now, or fast forward into our future, recycling is inevitable and sustainable.