Aligning Employees With Overall Company Goals

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If you aim to ensure your company is successful and one of the best in its sector, it’s critical that your employees “get” and embrace your business’ overall goals.

Aligning your employees with your company’s goals has many benefits. Workers who understand their company’s goals, for example, and how the work they do for the firm helps the company reach those goals, tend to be more engaged and happy in their work. They want the company to succeed and so they give their best efforts. Turnover likely is to be much lower as a result.

To help your business align your workers with your company’s goals, follow the tips below.

  • Your employees can’t work toward your business’ goals if they don’t know what they are! Be sure to let every employee at every level know of your company’s goals.
  • Tell your employees how the goals have an effect on their own jobs. Also, be sure to let them know how their individual tasks contribute to the company meeting its goals.
  • When you craft job descriptions, make sure they reflect how a position helps your company meet its goals. Doing so is especially important for positions in such critical areas as business development, customer service and program management.
  • It’s human nature to wonder “what’s in it for me.” Many successful companies thus link performance reviews to how well an individual helped his or her department or the company as a whole reach its goals. Incentives can range from a financial bonuses, to promotions, etc.
  • Have your department supervisors check with their subordinates regularly to ascertain how well the workers are doing in meeting goals. Aim to have the supervisor ask the employee how the supervisor/department/company can help the worker meet his or her goals.
  • A related tip: have your employees write down the goals they’ll pursue to help your company meet its goals. Have supervisors meet with their workers regularly (quarterly is good) to discuss progress.

If one of your Tampa-area company’s goals is to find a source for some great new employees, contact StaffEx We can match great employees with terrific employers. Contact us today!

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