
A well written job description is as important to the hiring process as anything the candidate can present when they are in your office. Candidates who understand exactly what you are looking for are able to prepare well for an interview. They are also able to share their own excitement for a job they really want if they understand what it is. Here are some ideas for crafting the perfect job descriptions for your next hiring need.

  1. Job title. Remember, the title on the job posting doesn’t need to be the title on the business card. Use a specific and easily recognizable phrase. For example, if you are looking for an Accounting Assistant try using “Accounts Receivable and Payable Clerk.” This will allow for candidates to understand what skills they need to possess before they apply. After you write the rest of the description you can always go back and create a more compelling headline such as, “Accounts Payable and Receivable Clerk for key role in local start-up.”
  2. Company description. A candidate is going to want to know who you are. They should have as much opportunity to research your company as you will have to research them. Posting a job as “Company Confidential” is a red flag for applicants. Describe your product or service, your work environment, your mission, and any statistics that show you’re a successful company in your industry. This paragraph should just be a few short sentences to draw people into your description and make them interested.
  3. The meat of the job. When crafting a description don’t just focus on what you want someone to do for you, consider sharing what your company can do for them. If the position is open due to growth or promotions, say that. It can allow applicants to understand that there are opportunities within the company. Tell them about the lifestyle of an employee in this role such as how much they will travel, how many hours they are expected to work and what an average day on the job looks like. Include information about the rest of the team so they understand if their personality will fit in with your company.

Are you looking for a company that can help you attract top talent? Contact the recruiters at SaffEx today! 

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