When you’re bringing on temp employees it is important to be open and honest with your current staff. Temporary workers are often taken for granted as managers and other employees believe they can start with little training. However, it is important that a temporary employee feel comfortable on the assignment. It is equally as important that your permanent staff is comfortable with the temp. Here are four ways to prepare your current employees for an incoming temp.
- Be clear about the temp’s role. Often your permanent employees will feel as though their jobs are threatened with the addition of a temp to their department. Assure them that this is not the case. The temporary employee may be there for a special project so let your team know that you want them to concentrate on their duties and the temp is there to make the project go smoothly. It may also be an overflow of work, in which case the temp can help them stay on track.
- Establish communications. Before the temporary employee arrives make sure your current staff understands that they can come to you with any concerns at any time. The success of a temporary employee often hinges on honesty about what they are doing and how they are doing it. Encourage your permanent employees to share not only the negative things but also positive things the temp is doing on the job.
- Provide a space for the temp. A temporary employee should never encroach on the space of a permanent one. This is poor workplace etiquette and breeds animosity before the temp even starts the assignment. Work with the department to determine the best place for the temp to work and make sure they have all the equipment and supplies they need when they arrive.
- Encourage mentorship from senior staff. Your employees are full of useful and helpful knowledge about the company and the job they are doing. Use this to help the temporary worker succeed. Trusting one of your senior employees to help get the temp oriented on the job shows that you trust them and believe that they are a valuable part of the office team.
Do you need to bring on temporary workers for a project or to help out in the office? If you are looking for temp agencies in Tampa FL, contact us today.