Top 2014 HR Predictions

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The Human Resources industry has often predicted big changes in the workplace but none may be more drastic than those happening in 2014. The last several years saw a concentration on economic recovery and the skills gap but there may be more sweeping changes over the next 12 months. What are the top 2014 HR predictions? Here are three we think you should watch out for this year.

  • Training will get a massive overhaul. The phenomenon that businesses and specialists have been referring to as the skills gap may be related to a number of factors. These include lack of continuing education and training, massive changes in the way companies conduct business, and the inequity of salary ranges. Experts believe that 2014 will be a pivotal year when it comes to training programs. More companies will partner with universities to train quality employees with necessary skills. Beginning an apprenticeship program in your workplace will also be a great way to train and obtain qualified employees.
  • Focus on engagement, passion, and work/life balance. Employee retention is a top priority for most organizations. To do this right companies need to make sure they are engaging their team and feeding their passion. This may be about continued training or salary and bonus compensation, but it may also be about work/life balance. Today’s workers are craving flexibility and autonomy in their jobs and companies who micromanage their staff are losing out on top talent.
  • Big changes for the HR function in most companies. The HR industry itself needs to see a complete overhaul. Technology is changing the business landscape and the way we manage staff is changing along with it. Some aspects of human resources are becoming obsolete while others need retooling to be effective in the modern workplace. Global business practices and remote worker management are among the key factors facing HR this year. HR is no longer about administrative functions but rather about talent acquisition and development.

What challenge is your business facing in 2014? IF you are looking for recruiting agencies in Tampa FL, contact us today.

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