
On a temporary job there are specific rules and regulations that need to be followed. Some common sense situations become difficult to navigate when a new experience arises. When you’re on a temporary assignment, how do you handle texts and emails? Here are a few insider tips for maintaining professionalism on the job.

  1. When to accept a text. As a general rule of thumb, it is not advisable to take time out of your work day to answer or send a text. Your time at the job should be dedicated to the work required for the client. Saving texting for your lunch hour or breaks away from your desk is preferable.
  2. Leave your phone out of a meeting. The one place to be sure you never take your phone is a meeting. Answering a phone call or a text during a meeting is considered the height of unprofessionalism. Leave it locked in your desk or locker or in your car during these times. Depending on your situation, you may even chose to leave it at home.
  3. Emergencies. Companies understand that situations may arise where a text or call is immediately important. Let your supervisor know that you are expecting an important text and that you will gladly step away when it comes in. As long as they are aware of the situation, you will not be in violation of any polices. However, do not take advantage of this or it could backfire.
  4. Internet and email use. Using company internet to access your personal email or social media is typically not considered professional. While you’re on a temporary assignment you may be able to use their network to access these things while on a break but in general you should wait until you’re at home or you can access it on your mobile device during a break or lunch.
  5. Company emails. Using a company email address for anything other than work related communications is also considered inappropriate on the job. The information that comes in through the company network belongs to the organization and you may risk important information being seen by individuals not authorized to receive it. If you are using corporate email as part of your assignment, keep it business related.

Do you have more questions about proper behavior on a temporary assignment? StaffEx, Tampa FL employment provider, can help you today!

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