Creative Temp Incentives for Tampa Employees

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Because of the unique nature of the role, temporary employees often compare themselves against their permanent counterparts. Temps are passed up when incentives are offered to staff members. It can become frustrating when you know you are working as hard as everyone else but don’t see any added benefits. Even though temporary employees understand the nature of their jobs it can be difficult to control very natural feelings. The good news is that a business can do something about this. Here are a few creative incentives you can offer to your temporary employees.

  1. Gift cards. A very small investment can make a very big impact. Purchase gift cards from local stores or restaurants to provide to temporary staff when they perform well. It can help motivate them to continue the good job or can be a reward for excellent work. You can create a contest so temporary staff members can work toward the goal.
  2. Offer a bonus. Your staffing provider can help you with ways to reward temp staff on the job. Talk with them about awarding a bonus to your temporary staff. You may be able to offer a completion bonus for temps who commit to an entire project. Or you can offer an additional bonus for a temp who helped solve a major problem.
  3. Paid days off. Temporary employees don’t get the same benefits as permanent staff. If they miss a day of work they also miss a day of pay. This means that when emergency situations arise, temps have to choose between money and health. Be generous and provide a couple of paid days off throughout the assignment. Your staffing company can help you with this process.
  4. Awards for teamwork. Permanent employees sometimes make the situation more difficult for temp workers. They may feel threatened by someone coming in to their territory. Instead, offer team based bonuses for temp and permanent staff who work together on a project.

Do you need to hire temp workers to help with a short term project? StaffEx, one of the leading Tampa Bay temp agencies, can help you today!

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