Why are You Losing Talented Temps | Retention Tips

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Managing temporary employees is a different process than managing permanent staff. It is important to understand the reasons that temporary employees will leave an assignment. The onus is on management to determine if there are any issues in the workplace that can be solved to keep qualified temporary employees on the duration of their assignment or to invite them back when the need is available again. Here are a few things to keep in mind when wondering why you may be losing talented temp employees.

  • They don’t feel like they are part of the team. Temporary employees see their permanent coworkers receiving praise or incentives from the management staff but are almost never on the receiving end. This makes them feel separate from the company as they are working on the assignment. As much as you can, offer positive feedback and in-house incentives to keep them exciting about contributing to the team.
  • They don’t feel motivated to return. Each day temporary employees make a conscious choice to continue their assignment. If they are dissatisfied they can discuss their placement with the staffing service. Occasionally, temporary employees decide they do not want to return to the job. If they don’t feel motivated to return you need to determine what you can do as a manager to incentivize them to stay.
  • They take a job with your competition. Your competition may offer the same job with a higher pay rate or as a permanent position. It is important for businesses to know how their competition is handling temporary employment so they can avoid losing top temp talent to these companies.
  • You don’t know what is important to them. Many managers take a hands-off approach when it comes to managing temporary staff. They push all of the responsibility off onto the account manager at the temporary agency. While the recruiter is responsible for ensuring the success of their temp staff they are not in the office to oversee their work. This means that direct supervisors need to learn and understand what is most important for their temp employees to do a good job and return to the assignment.
  • You don’t keep in touch. Companies are often interested in utilizing the same temp talent for recurring projects. They are disappointed when they contact the agency only to find the candidate is no longer available. Keep in contact with the temp employees so you can gauge their long-term interest in working with you on additional temporary jobs.

Do you want to keep top temp talent engaged in your business? Contact StaffEx Tampa Bay temp agencies to learn more!

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