Avoid The Title of “Desperate Job Seeker”

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Interviewers today see a lot of candidates for their potential jobs. Typically it is just one small thing that makes a candidate stand out from the crowd. Your attitude could be that small thing that either makes or breaks you as their first choice. If you want to make a great first impression it is important to leave the desperation at the door and impress them with your skills and positivity rather than attempting to convince them you need this job or else.

4 Tips to Avoid Negativity and Desperation in Your Interview

  • Don’t discuss your financial situation. Some job seekers feel that they can appeal to the interviewer’s sense of fairness by discussing their current financial situation. With lots of people dealing with issues of unemployment or even home foreclosures this isn’t a smart tactic. Completely leave your personal finances out of the conversation. Remain firm and objective when discussing salary when you get to that stage.
  • Don’t speak poorly about your former employer. Being negative about a former manager or co-worker is a red flag for potential employers. They are concerned that if you leave their company you will say the same types of things about them, whether they are true or not. Maintain a positive attitude when discussing your reasons for leaving or why you’re looking for a new job.
  • Don’t be general about your search. A recruiter can start off an interview with a potential temporary employee with a question such as, “What type of position are you looking for?” Far too often, job seekers answer, “I just need a job.” Even if you’re applying at a temporary service, be specific about what you’re looking for but also offer flexibility. Telling them you need any job doesn’t sound encouraging.
  • Don’t make your unemployment their problem. It is not the potential employer’s problem that you have been looking for work or that you were laid off from your previous job. Don’t show up with a chip on your shoulder about the current situation in the job market. Confidence and positivity will go much further in an interview.

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