Should You Turn Away Over-Qualified Candidates?

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Countless times since the recession began in 2007 skilled employees have been turned away from jobs for being “overqualified.” This has led to frustration in the job market. However, a strategic company can use this trend to their advantage. Your company should consider hiring overqualified candidates who have been rejected by your competition.

Key Reasons to Hire Employees that Seem Over-Qualified for the Position

  1. Their experience. There will be no doubt that your overqualified candidate is capable of doing the job. They have had more years of experience than the job requires but that isn’t a bad thing. Their experience has taught them a lot of valuable lessons over the years and they can bring that to your company.
  2. Their ability to bring new ideas. That level of experience may also lead to new ideas and innovations for the role that you were never expecting. They may see something in the way your company is handling the job that can be updated or augmented. An entry level candidate will not be able to bring this perspective to the job.
  3. Their professionalism. Someone with a number of years’ experience under their belt will also have a level of professionalism that other candidates may not be able to bring to the table. They will have some knowledge of business protocol and how to work with management and coworkers.
  4. Their dedication. An overqualified candidate is often looking for a place where they can settle in and make a positive contribution based on the information they know from their years of experience. They will likely be very loyal to an employer who gives them a chance. That may be an opportunity you can’t pass up.

Are You Looking for the Next Great Employee to Join Your Team?

Contact StaffEx experienced employment firm serving St.Petersburg, Fl, for more information on how we can assist you in your hiring process. 

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