Productivity is the cornerstone of a successful business. Every manager wants to ensure that their team is effectively and efficiently moving the company toward it achieving company goals. The best way for any manager to encourage productivity from their staff is to lead by example. Here are a few ways for an effective leader to encourage top production from all of their team players.
Know how to do everything your team does.
The best managers know everything that goes into their department. This isn’t so they can just do it but rather that they can pitch in when needed. This is also critical for knowing whether or not the project is on track or needs some help. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty.
Know the impact of your words.
Your employees do listen to what you say so it is important that you never say anything abusive or in anger. It is okay to get frustrated but know that you need to represent yourself professionally so don’t take frustrations out on the wrong people. Think before you speak.
Listen to everyone on your team.
A good manager will let their employees know that they are available to hear concerns or ideas. The real test is to listen to what they have to say and when you can implement changes that impact the performance of the team in a positive way. You will earn the trust of your employees this way.
Accept responsibility.
When something goes wrong it is human nature to figure out who to blame. Instead, a manager is the ultimate authority for their team so anything that happens needs to reflect on them. When you do something wrong be sure to accept the responsibility. Don’t allow your team to become your scape goats.
Trust your talented employees.
You hired your team for a reason. It is essential that you trust them to do the job they are there to do. Micromanagers are the biggest productivity killer there is. While it seems like it should be the opposite it breeds resentment among employees and can really stop production in its tracks. Instead, allow your team to do their work and don’t forget to thank them.
Take care of yourself.
Finally, a stressed out boss is another major productivity killer in the office. Someone who is consistently out of the office because of stress related health issues is not managing effectively. If you lead by example and reduce your stress you will also encourage your team to do as well.
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