Brand management has never been more important than in today’s digital age. Every company needs to be aware that everyone they have interaction with can now take their opinions to a very public forum on the internet. This is great when the feedback is positive, but negative information can prove extremely destructive. What if your own hiring process is creating a wave of unhappy candidates who are taking their opinions to social media? Here are some things to consider revamping in 2015.
Is your application process frustrating and difficult to navigate?
Candidates won’t stick around if they feel like they’re wasting their time. Do you have an online application process? How long does it take to complete it? How difficult is it to send a resume to your company? Have you optimized your page for smart phones and other mobile devices?
Are you following up with every applicant?
Yes, it is quite possible that you will receive hundreds of resume for one position and it can be difficult to respond to them all, but try to make a concerted effort. If not, create an automated response to let each candidate know that you will review their resume and will only call them if they meet the requirements. And don’t forget, you absolutely must respond personally to anyone you actually interview for the job.
Are you own interviewing skills turning off potential employees?
Not all hiring managers are good at interviewing. It is important that you brush up on your skills as well. Review the questions that are illegal or inappropriate to ask. Only ask questions that are relevant to the job. Don’t do all the talking; let the candidate tell you about themselves in their own words.
Are you waiting for the exact right candidate to walk through your door?
After interviewing five or even ten candidates are you still uncertain about making an offer? Do you keep looking to see “what else is out there?” This mind set can lead to losing all of your potential candidates and having to start over, wasting a lot of resources and money.