You spend more of your waking hours with your coworkers than you do your family or friends. For this reason it is essential that you build the right professional relationships with these individuals. A negative coworker can cause long term problems for you as well as the rest of your team. However, it is never too early or too late to start. Before you begin a new job or if you’ve already been working for a while, here are some things you can do to build better relationships with your coworkers.
Be an open book, but not too open.
One of the tricks to developing the right relationship with your coworkers is to know what information is appropriate to share and what to keep to yourself. It is fine to develop a personal relationship with others in your office. You can discuss your weekends, your activities, your hobbies, and your future goals. But stay away from sensitive topics that can lead to discord.
Always have a positive attitude.
Negative people and constant complainers are everyone’s least favorite people in the office. Don’t be the downer in the office. Be known for having a positive attitude. That isn’t to say you can’t have a bad day every once in a while, but if you’re usually someone who is positive this will be received with attention and sympathy rather than a crying wolf response.
Show your gratitude.
Happy people are grateful people. Never forget to tell someone thank you when they’ve helped you with a project or a problem. This goes beyond just the words. Demonstrate your gratitude every day in the work you do. Go beyond what is normally expected and people will notice your attitude.
Pitch in wherever you can.
Your coworkers also like it when you pitch in to help them as well. While you don’t want to get taken advantage of you should spend some of your time pitching in on the needs of others. If it doesn’t conflict with the work you’re already doing or affect your overall productivity, it doesn’t hurt and certainly helps when you pitch in when needed.
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