4 Ways to Leverage Your Alumni Network in Tampa to Land a Job

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Congratulations, graduate! You’ve made it through at least four years of college and are ready to hit the ground running in your new career. It can be difficult to look at the current job climate when you need to find a new job, but as a recent graduate you have some tools at your disposal that give you an advantage. The most important is your alumni network.

4 Tips to Leverage Your Alumni Network in Tampa

Visit the career center.

Far too often this is an underutilized benefit of your university tuition. The career center maintains a database of alumni who are willing to mentor new students. You can choose someone who works in your industry or who shared your major program. You may also contact people who live in other parts of the country if you’re looking to relocate. The carer center will also sponsor alumni programs which can be a great meet and greet event for new graduates. Take advantage of your university alumni programs.

Read the alumni newsletter.

Everyone receives these newsletters but how many people actually read them. The newsletter will highlight alumni from your university that have made great strides in their professional fields. Use this information to reach out to them and connect. You may also want to volunteer at the alumni office so you have access to individuals who can help you in your career.

Join your local alumni association.

You may not stay in your college town after graduation. In fact, very few people do. That means it is highly likely that you will find others from your university in whatever town you call home now. Reach out to the groups and express interest in meet ups and events. You can learn a lot about a new area this way as well as make important professional connections.

Use LinkedIn to connect.

Gone are the days when professionals can avoid LinkedIn. It is critical for online professional networking. There is most certainly already an alumni group on the platform where you can connect with others who went to your university. You can also use this to create informal groups to tap into your alumni network locally.

Are you looking for a job now that you’ve graduated?

We have the team on hand to assist you with your employment search. Call StaffEx to help you today!

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