Start Strong | Tips on a Successful First Day at the Office

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Now that you’ve accepted the job offer it is time to focus on making the best first impression on the job. Getting through your first day shouldn’t feel like a trial so there are some things you can do to make it go as smoothly as possible. While it can be traumatic, everyone’s been there including everyone you’ll meet at your new company. While a small mistake won’t impact your career the way you handle yourself will. Here are some things you should do on your first day to make it successful.

Learn your commute.

While you’ve driven to the job site for interviews you probably haven’t had to do it during rush hour traffic. Your drive to the office will be different while everyone else is trying to get to work on time. Review how long you need to give yourself to get ready in the morning and get to work so you’re not late. Being late on your first day can have long term consequences.

Choose your wardrobe.

The most important thing you can do is learn the company dress code and then err on the side of professional when selecting your outfits. While you were interviewing, what did you see other people wearing. Casual shouldn’t mean sloppy so always make sure you look put together even in jeans. If you don’t understand what the company means by “business casual,” ask.

Bring a notepad and pen.

There will be a lot of information that you need to keep track of on the first day. Everything from where the break room is located to how to turn on the copy machine. You will learn too many things to keep track of them all in your brain no matter how good your memory is. To avoid confusion, take notes. Ask questions, but don’t ask the same questions over and over again.

Introduce yourself to everyone.

Hopefully you’ll be taken on a tour of the office and introduced to a number of people, but even if you’re not you can take it upon yourself to meet as many people as you can on your first day. Be friendly but not distracting. Put anyone you’ll be interacting with on a regular basis on your priority list. These people can become your trusted resources on the job.

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