The Importance of Showing Thankfulness Within the Workplace

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Thanksgiving is a traditional time to say “Thank you” to your friends, family, and everyone around you. But, you shouldn’t relegate gratitude to only one day out of the year. As a manager, it is essential that you demonstrate your thanks to your employees all year round. When you are thankful for your employees they are far more likely to do better work and be more engaged with the business. Here are some of the ways you can show your gratitude as a manager.

Don’t Forget to Say “Thank You”

This is the simplest thing you can do, but people often forget to say it. Offer thanks whenever someone does something you’ve asked or beyond. If you acknowledge someone when they go out of their way they are more likely to do it again. Create a work space where thank you is part of the everyday vocabulary.

Mail a Hand-Written Note

There is no one who doesn’t love getting an unexpected letter in the mail. You can spread this good cheer by sending thank you cards in the mail randomly throughout the year. Any time you feel it would boost morale or after a big project or just because you feel like it, send a thank you note. Write it by hand on attractive stationary and address it to their home.

Pitch in When Needed

There was a time that you weren’t the manager. You’ve done this work before, so don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty again when you need to. This will demonstrate that you’re not just a manager by title only. Roll up your sleeves and help out whenever you see a need. However, don’t turn this into an opportunity to micromanage.

Pay it Forward

They say that it isn’t happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy. When gratitude spreads like wildfire it can change even the worst attitudes around. Encourage your team to show their thanks to everyone they come in contact with throughout a work day as well. Encourage them to pitch in when they see a need.


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