You Can’t Change Your Commute, So How Can You Make it More Enjoyable?
Do you have a long commute? If so, you may arrive to work, and home again in the evening more stressed out than necessary. If you can’t change your commute, you can change the way you handle your commute to reduce stress and make that drive more enjoyable. StaffEx, one of the leading temp Agencies in […]
What is Vendor Managed Services in Florida?
A phrase you may here in relation to staffing companies is “vendor managed services.” If you aren’t familiar with the term it may be helpful to understand the definition before you partner with an employment partner. Local staffing companies can provide a variety of services that fit within your organization. Here is a bit of […]
4 Ways to Prepare Your Staff for Temp Workers
When you’re bringing on temp employees it is important to be open and honest with your current staff. Temporary workers are often taken for granted as managers and other employees believe they can start with little training. However, it is important that a temporary employee feel comfortable on the assignment. It is equally as important […]