Getting the Important Things Done

Sometimes it seems there aren’t enough hours in a day.  Between the job, household chores, the kids, and other obligations, we often wonder how we can ever keep up. People feel stretched to the limit, wondering how they will ever be able to take care of the things that really matter.  But there are people […]

How Changes in America’s Families Impact Business

There’s big change going on today in modern families, changes that also will have a huge impact on the workplace. Recent research states that the number of people getting married in the U.S. today is the lowest it’s ever been. Conversely, the numbers of those getting divorced also is among the lowest ever. These researchers […]

Tips For Building Your Self-Confidence

Self-confidence.  It’s something we all know to be a key ingredient to success in just about anything.  But the problem is how to develop that self-confidence.  We all have periods when that self-confidence seems to elude us.  We go through times when we are unsure we have what it takes to get the job done.  […]

How Mood Affects Our Workday

We all have them — those days. The days that start out poorly. We’re late getting up for work. We have no time for breakfast and our stomach growls. We’re stuck in traffic and arrive half an hour late to the boss’ frown and grow. The result? We start off our own day in a […]

How Much Can Employers Dictate Employees’ Appearance?

At home, dressing as you like is not a problem. On the job, your appearance comes under the scrutiny of those who sign your pay check and therefore may have something to say about how you present yourself. In addition, your appearance is not limited to just clothing. The list also includes items such as […]

Effectively Managing Your To-Do List

To-do lists – many of us use them, many of us couldn’t do without them.  But do we use them effectively?  We often don’t, but there are ways to improve our use of them. One key way is to move the items on the list to your calendar.  This will force you to make decisions […]