How Much Can Employers Dictate Employees’ Appearance?
At home, dressing as you like is not a problem. On the job, your appearance comes under the scrutiny of those who sign your pay check and therefore may have something to say about how you present yourself. In addition, your appearance is not limited to just clothing. The list also includes items such as […]
Effectively Managing Your To-Do List
To-do lists – many of us use them, many of us couldn’t do without them. But do we use them effectively? We often don’t, but there are ways to improve our use of them. One key way is to move the items on the list to your calendar. This will force you to make decisions […]
Workplace Education Held Steady During Recession
Recent reports show that even during the economic downturn, companies continued to spend on educational programs for their employees. The reports also show that companies that cut education budgets also suffered from declines in sales, as well. Although some companies did cut education budgets, they were in the minority. And almost half of the people […]
Is it Time to Start Recruiting?
As the economic crunch begins to ease a little, businesses now are examining their recruiting strategies, assessing how much emphasis they need to put on recruiting, as opposed to focusing on promotion from within. Unemployment is holding steady at around 9 percent, as business has been reluctant to hire because of a lack of demand. […]
The Right Way to Handle Mistakes on the Job
Everyone makes mistakes on the job. Everyone. From the president, to your manager, to your colleagues, to you — we all make mistakes. The key to making mistakes “successfully” is to own up to them as soon as you know — either on your own or by someone telling you — that a mistake has […]
Creating a Vision for Your Company or Department
If you’ve ever worked to create a vision statement for your company or your department, we don’t have to tell you have difficult it can be. Still, creating a vision for your company’s/department’s future can go a long way to actually seeing that vision come to fruition. Here are a few tips to help guide […]